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The magic of compound growth

Compound Interest. Described by Albert Einstein as the 8th wonder of the world. Many people don't fully grasp its power and miss out on the magic.

Here's a quick example

For 30 days, would you rather (A) get $100 per day, or (B) get 1 cent doubled every day (ie. 2 cents on day two, 4 cents on day three, 8 cents on day four).

Quickly. What's your immediate answer?

On intuition, lots of people go for Option A. Why? Because $100 sounds so much more than 1 cent.

How do they compare?

Do the maths, and Option B wins by miles.

By Day 15, the 1 cent per day has grown to $163.84 per day.

Over the first 18 days, Option B accumulates $2621.43 (compared to $1800 for Option A). It just snowballs from there.

By the final days, Option B is getting millions per day and ends up with a total of $10.7 million. Meanwhile the total for Option A is just $3,000 ($100 x 30 days).

(Sidenote: Even if Option A was $100,000 per day, option B would still win.)

Life in slow motion

Investing can be much the same - just slower. Let's say for example that my retirement account averages 9% over the long term and I'm thinking of adding $10,000 to it this year.

At first I might think that $900 (9% of 10,000) isn't a huge amount. $900 per year for the next 30 years would be $27,000 extra in later life. That sounds reasonable, but is a big underestimate.

Because the $900 goes back into the investment, it also grows at 9% and so it snowballs.

Do the maths for a 30-year timespan, the $10,000 actually turns into a much bigger number...

$ 132,676.78 (to be precise)

Woah! That's not a 27k profit. That's a 122k profit.

If we only knew

Realising this maths can help us make better decisions.

If we think that investing $10,000 earns us just $900 per year (the dotted line below) we might be tempted to spend the ten thousand instead.

Once we realise that we can turn $10,000 into a six-figure sum (the solid curved line below) we might be more keen to invest.

So how does the maths work?

I get that a lot of people have maths-phobia from school. So let's break it down.

To work out what our money becomes in one year we multiply by one plus the rate of growth. For example, 9% growth would mean multiplying by 1.09.

eg. $10,000 x 1.09 = $10,900

For multiple years we keep multiplying by that rate.

eg. For two years, $10,000 x 1.09 x 1.09 = $11,881

Or if you're comfortable with exponential mathematics, put the rate to the power (or exponent) of the number of years.

eg. For 30 years, (1.09)30  x $10,000 = $132,676.78

(Remember to do the exponent part before multiplying by the amount - otherwise you'll get crazy numbers)


I haven't taken tax into account, because I was actually looking at the effect on my retirement savings and the 9% growth rate is after tax has already been subtracted.

Related Reading

$200k for a coffee and a sandwich

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This information is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. It is not financial advice. If you need specific advice on your circumstances or finances you should speak to an expert.


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