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Showing posts from March, 2022

Die with Zero

This book is not for everyone - but can be immensely valuable for those who are meant to read it. If you're thinking you'll reach zero a lot earlier than that, then I'd recommend starting with  Your Money or Your Life . Otherwise, here is what I learnt from Die with Zero  and my personal reaction. Many people in the middle class (and above) retire with heaps of money. Then they spend some of the investment earnings, while their capital continues to grow - even into their 80s and 90s. Their last day is possibly the wealthiest they've ever been. What's wrong with that? That might sound good. Why wouldn't we want ever-increasing wealth? The answer is in the book's subtitle "Getting all you can from your money and your life". There's no prize for being the richest person in the cemetery. Bill figures that if someone dies at 90 with 4 million dollars, that they either missed out on doing things with that money, or spent way too much time working - f