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Let It Go

It's no secret that almost all of us have too much stuff. Peter Walsh's book Let it Go is very helpful for people looking to do something about it.

Aussies may know Peter Walsh from Space Invaders, where he regularly assists people in letting go of about 75% of their clutter.

In this book he gives a mental framework, and practical approach and a step-by-step guide for downsizing your physical possessions.

It's particularly geared for people moving house, often in a life transition such as marriage, job change, kids leaving home, retirement, or moving into aged care. 

Here are some of my highlights:

Why is this so hard?

At the moment the Baby Boomer generation is inheriting a lot of stuff from their parents while also entering retirement and trying to downsize. So they pass things along to Gen X and Y.

The event that caused the downsize can be stressful in itself. Then we realise that we own way more than we want or need.

In our society, consuming and accumulating is considered a sign of success, so it feels weird to decrease.

Also our possessions remind us that a lot of our life has already passed, that our life shrinks and then ends, and that maybe no-one else will care about our stuff as we do.

But there's good news

"Great art, music and writing is often from what is not included."

Our excess stuff can be blocking a door to a better life, but right now we can't even find the door let alone open it.

We can live more open and authentic lives by letting go of things we regret getting, are no longer needed, are holding out of obligation, or just haven't been bothered to get to.

Better than fire

More than 300,000 homes catch fire in a year (in the USA). Whilst that's tragic, the owners often come out of it realising what's truly important (remember Scott Pape's story). Peter says that downsizing can do the same - help us realise what's important in our lives - but without the trauma of the fire.

Three types of objects

Peter divides items into memory items, I-might-need-it items and trash.

Within memory items, there are treasures (usually no more than fits on a dining table) and trinkets, forgotten items and malignant memories. Only the treasures need stay.

I-might-need-It items are self explanatory. We should ask if we really need it. Do we use it now? Do we have a concrete plan to use it? Do we already have multiples of that item? He suggests dividing into worthy, worthy-for-someone-else, and not-worthy. Only the worthy stay.

For the more visually-minded he also combines these questions into a handy flowchart to help you decide on the fate of each item.

It can feel difficult to reduce items, especially in the memory category. Some of his advice for reducing includes "When everything is important, nothing is important", and "Having more treasures will not bring a person back. Nor will it help you relive an earlier stage of your life. You'll simply feel suffocated and mournful - and that is not how treasures should make you feel"

The emotions

Fear is a big obstacle and it often comes from sadness anxiety or guilt. Sadness for things (loved ones, dreams, youth) that are gone, anxiety about our upcoming life change, and guilt that everything was once someone's valuable or useful item.

He also provides helpful alternate perspectives on common fears:

Yes we might let go something we'll need later. But it's one item. We can borrow or buy another - or do without. Creating a life and home you want is more important.

It might be emotional to go through some items. But that will be short-lived, the benefits are ongoing.

Worried about the environmental impact? It's never been easier to recycle or rehome items. If all else fails do something good to balance the scales. Plant trees. Pick up some trash. Donate to an environmental organisation. Volunteer.

Step by step guides

There's a guide for downsizing your own possessions. There's also one for your parent's stuff, as many people help a parent move into aged care or are dealing with their possessions after they pass away.

In short

I found this a very useful book both psychologically and practically. It's a fantastic resources if you are about to embark on an effort to reduce the size of the "material convoy" that accumulates around us over the years.

Further reading

4 reason to sell unwanted items

3 reasons why selling is better than giving away

An extra special giveaway

Survey says Australians have $34 billion dollars of unwanted stuff (see why I think it's an underestimate)

See my other book reviews or subscribe to my monthly-ish email for future ones.

Grab Less Clutter More Cash - my free ebook of tips for selling your unwanted items online.


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